Friday, January 15, 2010

twenty ten !

here we are again! thirty-four years of wedded bliss. well, of marriage. wink. we're at vic & anthony's again but without rynard. he definitely makes it more fun. btw...that's creme brulle, not a plate of burned goo.

new year. new decade. newly married daughter complete with new son-in-law. xoxo

i'm not one for resolutions but it is a time to look forward and think about things i'd like to do or do better or not keep doing. so far i've been really bad at 'not keep doing'. i just can't seem to get my head completely straight. grrr. i will persevere!

i've been thinking about how much God loves us. the story about the shepherd who leaves his entire flock to go out and look for the one that is lost. all by itself, that's amazing. but he does it. he looks everywhere. and he finds the lost lamb! does that lamb understand that he could've lost his life? does he even know that he's lost? why did he wander in the first place? doesn't he know that the safest place is with his master?

i will venture to say that he does not. by the mere fact that he has drifted away. he is unaware of his plight. of his fragile and precarious situation. and that's how it happens, isn't it? we ever so slowly drift away. it's a slow fade. and we find ourselves.......lost. and we don't even know it. or someone we know has lost their way. and they are lost. even if we can't find them, God can. God can. and He will. we need only to pray. and hope. and watch. and wait.

He is the Great Shepherd.

one of our lambs is lost. God has left the protected to go and find the unprotected. He will prevail. His way will be done. may we rest in the bewildering knowledge of how much He loves us. He will search until His lamb is found. He will not give up. and neither will we.

He gives hope and a future. a future that we wouldn't otherwise have.

what a friend we have in Jesus!