Tuesday, September 1, 2009

the baby chick

it's true. my baby chick, emily jane, graduated from college. thank You, God! yea. no more payments of any kind, at least to or for texas a&m. ever. to any college. any. where. ever. you can see me doing the happy dance, can't you?

packing and moving was......well, insane. but it's done, over, kaput. with tons of help from her 'mama' and a cache full of amazing friends. thank you, amazing friends.

so now it's job fair. every. day. not nearly as much fun as college. (the fun part not the class and studying part) it's real world part. it's going back home to fun-filled parents part. i crack myself up with the adjective there. we, the parents, are down to the mundane with only bursts of fun-filled-ness. not to be confused with college graduate fun-filled. ness. it's major computer time and resumes part. it's the interviewing part. with companies that aren't even close to what she wants to do. what does she want to do? no worries. she'll figure it out. sooner or later. no pressure but we're all hoping for sooner. wink.

okay. we're going to make it. all of us.

"this is a test. this is only a test. if it were not a test, your local broadcasting company would inform you. stay tuned to this channel."

we're staying tuned to this channel.

and guess who the broadcaster is? yes, thankfully, it's God Himself. so we will all persevere, we will all continue to pray (especially ejb) and we will all keep tuned-in to every channel that He gives us.

He really is... mighty to save.

even college grads without a job.

i love you baby chick.


wink. wink. wink.

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